Our expert services deliver the accuracy and performance you need and require to get the information you need most.
Forensic Electrical Engineering and Expert Witness Testimony
- Investigation, reconstruction and analysis of electrical and mechanical system and equipment failures.
- Personal injuries: electrical contacts and arc flashes.
- Electrically-related fires and explosions.
- Electric service outages and consequential damages.
- Codes, standards, and operating/work practices.
- Expert reports.
Electric Power System Studies and Analyses
- Reliability and power quality studies and assessments of electric generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
- Reliability and availability prediction and engineering of complex systems including power plants, substations, and emergency and standby power systems.
- Reliability and operating costs of electric utility operating policies, rules, and practices.
- Development and assessment of reliability and availability standards and specifications for electrical systems and equipment.
- Electrical systems and equipment reliability data collection and analysis.
- Power plant operating and maintenance issues.
- Rate studies including rate impacts and cost analysis.
Electric Utility Management and Power Supply
- Electric utility management and resource planning.
- Energy contracts preparation and negotiation.
- Procurement of QSE services, ancillary services, power, and energy for wholesale load.
Power Contracts
- Bidding of power supply for retail load.
- Negotiation of rates and terms of service.
Reliability Training Seminars
- Fundamentals of probabilistic methods and models.
- Prediction and assessment of reliability performance of distribution and complex systems.
- Prediction and assessment of reliability performance of large interconnected bulk power systems.
Expert Services